Tuesday 2 February 2016

How will it All End ???

I stop and look up from the daily grind of life and I wonder what it is all for and contemplate this socially constructed nightmare that has been created for us ..... It then occurs to me that this broken, corrupt and defunct Western capitalist system is fast approaching meltdown. 
At home, our Tory government seems hellbent on stripping the ordinary folk of ALL dignity, security, hope and aspirations. The peasant classes, it would seem, exist purely to service the needs of their wealthy and powerful masters.
This wicked Tory dictatorship must be brought down ... and fast!
The situation for the majority of the British population is dire and bleak, with no way to escape the spiraling costs of our basic needs of housing, and welfare, and the ever increasing, crushing & stressful pressure of financial survival and job security. All the future currently seems to offer are ever increasing housing costs making ownership an impossibility for the majority, and extortionate rents forcing more and more into economic poverty and homelessness. The job markets offering no job security with low wages and no paid holidays or sick pay entitlement.
The welfare state is systematically being torn down, and the jobless being forced into community or unpaid work in the public & private sector disguised as work schemes and other spurious and mendacious covert slave labour programmes.
The most vulnerable in society, the sick, disabled and mentally ill are being stigmatised an branded as workshy scroungers having their basic needs stripped away and their benefits removed. Many of these vulnerable people have died as a direct result of these callous and draconian measures and many others have taken their own lives. Our elderly, too are regarded as financial burdens and often left to die scared and alone.
All the while the wealthy minority increase their wealth and power, and huge global corporations continue to suck the life blood from our planet as well as it's human and animal populations, with zero regard or concern about its diverse flora and fauna and the delicate ecosystems that sustain ALL life on this planet.
How will this all end?
Will humanity finally see sense and work and live in harmony with nature?
Sadly, I very much doubt this ðŸ˜¢. Instead I see a future where a few corrupt, wealthy and powerful groups live in artificially maintained biospheres amidst a barren wasteland that was once our beautiful planet, planning and plotting to annihilate the other surviving groups.
This my friend is the true nature of humanity!!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Only When The Sun Shines ...

Seaside towns are very odd places .... When we think of the seaside it invariably conjures up an idyllic image composed of sun, sand, ice cream and happy childhood holidays; well, it does for me anyway. 
These memories often produce a warm internal glow, a happy feeling from within; the world seen through rose tinted glasses.
I wanted to have this warm, happy glow as a permanent inner state, so I moved from the big city to the seaside ............ 

The trouble is, the sun doesn't shine all the time, I don't really like the feeling of sand between my toes and I dislike that sloppy white stuff, usually served in flimsy tasteless cones, that we all consider as ice cream! 
But, nevertheless, for the most part life is quite idyllic here .... but only when the sun shines!

The above is just the beginning of an ongoing, sometimes humorous, narrative of life in a seaside town ...